Westlife singer Mark Feehily pulls out of shows due to pneumonia

Westlife singer Mark Feehily has revealed he has pneumonia and will miss some of the band's upcoming shows.


Feehily says his pneumonia is "under control" but that he needs to focus on recovery after already missing some of the scheduled gigs.


"I really was gutted to miss the weekend shows in Newcastle but I really started to feel quite unwell on Friday and the doctors confirmed that it's a bout of pneumonia."


"I know it's scary when you first hear the word 'Pneumonia' but thankfully I got to the doctor and hospital very quickly and got on the antibiotics as soon as possible, so everything is currently under control."


"I have been informed that the quickest way to recovery is to rest and continue the antibiotics. I'm feeling a bit better everyday."


"The nurses and doctors are taking amazing care of me so it should all be over in no time. This does however mean missing more gigs which is horrible but I'll be back on stage as soon as I get the all clear."


"Nicky, Shane and Kian will continue to fly the Westlife flag high for all of us. Please scream even louder than usual for those three legends in my absence."



images credit:Pinterest